Tax regulation can be difficult to understand, in France and in Denmark.
Maitre Pedersen advises and assists you in tax law, both as counsel and in case of litigation with the tax authorities.
The law firm may assist you on tax optimization issues, benefits, reductions and credits with an appropriate expertise adapted to your situation.
Issues may arise in particular from the termination of the 2008 Franco-Danish fiscal agreement.
An agreement of principle was concluded in 2019 to establish a new agreement to avoid double taxation between France and Denmark, which should come into force in 2021, and provides new mechanisms to avoid double imposition.
In the meantime, both the French and the Danish tax authorities maintain other mechanisms to limit such double taxation.
Furthermore, in the context of your relations with the tax authorities, the firm can assist and advise you in order to anticipate future tax measures or manage a dispute during a tax audit.