The lawfirm ICP ADVOKATER gives counsel to mainly French and Danish clients, in French, Danish or English in various aspects of civil law or business matters.
Generally speaking can ICP ADVOKATER advice you or defend you in all aspects of legal or administrative matters through drafting of documents, in negociations or in litigation in French courts and also in Danish courts.
Therefore, whether you are an enterprise or an individual person, with plans for France or Denmark or encounter legal or administrative difficulties or opportunities in these juridictions, , the law firm can certainly accompany you within its fields of expertise.
Mr Ib Christian PEDERSEN is a graduate of law from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark in 1992, and works as lawyer there from 1992 to 1995. He is since then enlisted Danish lawyer at the Danish Bar.
Mr PEDERSEN settles down in Paris in 1995, obtaining in 1996 a D.E.S.S. de Droit du Marché Commun (presently Master 2 Pro droit économique de l’Union européenne) from the Université de Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne. He continues studies preparing the examen for becoming a French lawyer.
From 1997-1998, he works as associate in the Paris Branch of the Swedish lawfirm “Advokatfirman VINGE”.
Having passed the Paris Bar examen at the l’EFB de l’ordre des Avocats de Paris, he signs up as French lawyer in 1998 at the Barreau des Avocats à la Cour d’Appel de Paris.
He practises as French (and Danish) since lawyer since 1998 firstly collaborating with the French/Danish lawfirm “Advokaterne Amaliegade No 42” / “Cabinet Amaliegade No 42” and then as cofounder and partner of the French lawfirm “AARPI Amaliegade 42” until the beginning of 2013, when he establishes the law firm ICP ADVOKATER.